There is so much information available on the Internet that I have been having some trouble focusing and deciding how to spend my time reading the many blogs available that will inform me and help me to write a better blog myself.
There is a blog I have been following that I'd like to highlight today. It is written by Konstantin Koss of Germany.
It's called "Real Relaxation" and is described as a "Portal on Stress Management, Wellness, Massage and whatnot".
Here is the link to the main site:
Also, I'd like to highlight a section on stress management that I found particularly helpful:
Stress management and relaxation are SO important when dealing with chronic illnesses like endometriosis (and fibromyalgia and interstitial cystitis... and the list goes on...)!!!
I have found this site especially helpful and have added it to my favorites (see bottom of my homepage). I hope you find it as helpful as I do!
I really think as an endometriosis patient that you will appreciate the tips this blog has to offer.
There's even a funny video clip in the stress management link. :)
So relax and go check it out! :)
P.S. After you check this relaxation blog out, please post comments here and let me know what you think!
This article was posted by Jeanne via "Jeanne's Endo Blog" at
Hi Jeanne,
Yes, I have been frequenting the relaxation blog...I love the tips and pointers, they totally make me stop and think for a minute, ya know?
Hi Alicia,
I agree. It does have helpful tips.
It kind of breaks things down to what really matters. It just simplifies things for me.
I think it helps the reader focus on self-care and has some nice insights. I really like it!
Did you see the funny video of the man at the copy machine who was an example of a person who is NOT managing stress well?? It made me laugh. :) He was an example of what NOT to do...
Yes, the "Real Relaxation" blog does make me stop and think about things that should be common sense but sometimes get overlooked in our busy world.
For me, it's a nice site to visit when I want to get centered.
When you were describing the man at the copy machine, I thought I had visited that site. Then I thought it could not be the man I saw. I must have seen it on TV.
When I went to the site I realized I am a member of that community and that was indeed the man I had seen.
It is funny to watch. But I actually witnessed a similar situation in a much smaller office. It made me angry that he thought he had the right to explode like that.
Word from the wise, the person I witnessed later had a nervous breakdown.
I would have to agree, relaxation techniques are important.
I think his site is pretty.
Great find Jeanne!
McKay k,
I think "the man at the copy machine/printer" was a classic visual to represent just how much emotions can build up in an unhealthy way.
Clearly his reaction to an unfortunate situation was "over the top".
As you pointed out, though, there ARE really people who let their emotions fester and who DO actually get to the point of acting in such a manner.
This is unhealthy for the person who lets things get to this point AND for those around him/her!
So, yes, it's funny to watch that video. As you touched on, though, it's also sad that there are real life examples similar to this and they aren't so funny.
Relaxation techniques are important tools for everybody. I believe for people with chronic illnesses, they are just crucial!!
Yes, Konstantin’s site is pretty to look at and provides a relaxing atmosphere in and of itself. I really enjoy reading the relaxation tips there.
I'm glad you like it! :)
Thanks Jeanne, I am honored to be featured on your blog. I am glad you guys (uhh girls) like it!
Konstantin Koss,
Hi. It's my pleasure to feature your excellent blog here. As you can see by the comments this post has gotten already, your blog is a hit with our readers!
It has been my experience that if there is one thing a typical endometriosis patient needs, it's relaxation. Unrelenting pain and chronic symptoms can lend themselves to tension... and then it can really become a vicious circle.
Numerous healthcare practitioners over the years have made a point of teaching me about the importance of relaxation. Shallow breathing and tense muscles do not help chronic pain one bit.
The more alternative healthcare practitioners I have seen, the more I have learned about various methods for relaxation and how it supports well-being. Thanks for the helpful information!
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