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"Jeanne's Endo Blog": Helen Keller's Quote

As regular readers here are aware, I love quotes. While they are often interspersed within a regular post or included at the end, I decided to post this one and just let it stand on its own. I just love Helen Keller quotes!

By the way, the transfer process for this blog is coming along. Thus, you'll notice I am no longer including tags for posts. This new blog will be very different. It's exciting! :)

"Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it"
-- Helen Keller (1880-1968), author, lecturer, activist

This article was posted by Jeanne via "Jeanne's Endo Blog" at www.endendoat.blogspot.com.


My Endo Journey said...

Love it!!!

Anonymous said...

Such an encouraging quote! Thank you for posting.

Jeanne said...

Thank you for stopping by and commenting! Helen Keller always has such great quotes...


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the new look of your blog!

And I thought you were going to use my favorite Helen Keller quote:

"The best and most beautiful things cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."

But that one was good too. ;)

Jeanne said...


The new blog is so pretty! I can't wait for you to see it! :) I need to start preparing people for the big move... new blog name, new domain name, everything!

I'm going to have to nicely ask everyone to update my blog in their blogrolls too (the same way Tracee had to when she did her new blog launch). Of course, I don't know who all has my blog in their blogrolls but I know of some people to ask. :)

The quote I posted came up in my email today from FBL. It was good enough that I felt like posting it. However, I can see why you like the one you mentioned!! :)

Then again, is there such a thing as a bad Helen Keller quote? No. I really don't think so.



Jeanne said...

My Endo Journey,

I love Helen Keller quotes! :)


Jasmine said...

Great quote, and so appropriate in these times.

Jeanne said...


Thanks. I always love Helen Keller's quotes! :)


Jannie Funster said...

Jeanne! That is just so beautiful.

Helen Keller is a hero, but you are too.

And guess what??? I have a video of me singing the Ululele Song as my post today!

Love you.

Oh, and congrats on the blog switch-over. You will be really pleased with the new one, Im sure. And I am sure you are doing it right, as you are very smart and thorough at whatever you take on.

Jeanne said...


Sorry for the delay posting this. It got lost in my email. Imagine that! Shocking I know!

I'm glad you liked the quote. Thank you, silly! I will definitely need to check out the video!

Love you too.

Oh I cannot wait. Blogger is more headaches and problems every day that goes by. Thank goodness Cassie Germsheid is helping me with the switchover because I have 252 posts now and I'm a nervous Nellie about losing data.

Jannie, you crack me up!


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