If you have not yet signed the endometriosis awareness petition, please do so to support the 89 million women/girls worldwide who have endo, at this link:
Endometriosis Awareness Petition
See Endochick's blog regarding our next media target: The Today Show. Let's get endometriosis FACTS featured on Today. We're trying to get Meredith Vieira's attention for a story.
For more info (including my comments back to her blog post), please Endochick's blog:
Endometriosis: The Silent Life Sentence
Here is the still picture I promised of the Japanese-style acupuncture needles:
With the penny there for perspective, you can see how tiny those needles are in circumference. Each needle looks about the thickness of a "cat's whisker", as my acupuncturist puts it.
The needles do not hurt.
I wish I had not feared the needles. I wish I had started acupuncture years earlier than I did! I was afraid of the needles. There is nothing to be afraid of.
Not only does acupuncture help my pain and other symptoms but it is RELAXING! I tend to "zone out" in acupuncture sessions... I may not be "asleep" but I definitely am not fully conscious either. (There are times when I do fall asleep completely). When I first started acupuncture, this was not the case. Once I had been going to acupuncture for awhile, I became more relaxed with each visit. Now, I could walk in all wound up and within a few minutes... acupuncture can help me feel relaxed and peaceful. It is truly amazing!
As I mentioned in the video, I get Japanese acupuncture that is a combination of Manaka and Meridian styles (with Japanese needles). I want to get the word out about the tremendous benefits of acupuncture and allay any fears people might have regarding needles. Acupuncture does not hurt!
Ratings & comments on my videos can be made at the link below:
You can also choose to subscribe to my YouTube channel.
By the way, the strange noise in the background while I'm talking on this video is the sump pump! It's flood season... :)
This article was posted by Jeanne via "Jeanne's Endo Blog" at www.endendoat.blogspot.com.
Another great vlog Jeanne!
Your hair looks cute!
Yes, I don't know where I would be in life right now without acupuncture. I'm actually going every week right now during fertility treatment and adoption process. I need it.
I started going last year after my miscarriage on a whim. Both you and my mom claimed it was wonderful so I finally gave up my fear of needles and said I was willing to try anything. So glad I did. It changed my life. Seriously. I know it sounds weird. But my entire mood and spirit to life shifted.
Thank you for recommending acupuncture!
I recommend it to so many people now and the ones who have tried it have loved it too!
Thanks for posting about Meredith! Great Vlog! Left a comment on your Yourtube page. :-)
Thank you!
It's hard to picture life without acupuncture once you've experienced it, isn't it? :)
I'm really glad you're going so often; I know it helps you so much!
I'm glad you listened to your mother and "older sister" and gave it a try despite your fear of needles. :)
I know what you mean about it being life-changing. Someone I met on twitter recently (who has endo) used the same phrase on a twitter message the other day: "life-changing". It truly is! (That must be why we're all using this phrase... it IS life-changing).
It doesn't sound weird to me because it has been life-changing for me too. Plus, I have spoken to so many patients (men and women) who have an equal appreciation for it.
A couple of months ago, I was at a doctor's appointment and we got talking and the next thing you know we got onto the topic of acupuncture. As it turns out, his wife and daughter see the same acupuncturist I see and they love him just as much as I do.
Apparently his daughter had some serious, stubborn medical problem that no one had been able to help her with at all... and then she got significant relief with acupuncture.
Yes, it not only helps physical symptoms but it helps stabilize mood... and many acpuncturists teach ways to implement positive lifestyle changes, etc.
You don't need to thank me. I'm just so happy that it helps you and I hope that someone out there reading this who never thought they'd consider acupuncture will give the idea a chance. It is amazing how many people I now know (in person or online) who love acupuncture every bit as much as you and I do.
P.S. Readers, there is an acupuncture link in my blogroll. In it is a tool to find an acupuncturist in your area. If you aren't sure where to find an acupuncturist, this tool might help.
Thank you for the comments here and for posting comments on YouTube as well!! :)
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