Are you on Twitter?
Have you heard of Julia Roy???
If you aren’t following @juliaroy on Twitter, here’s why you should be...
Endochick recently informed me that Julia Roy hosts a show called TweetWeek.
1) She is the host of the YouTube show Tweetweek. The February 18th Tweetweek has had 2,501 viewers. With her Tweetweeks, she goes through the popular hash tags and events covered on Twitter during the week.
2) She is the self-proclaimed “an entirely digital girl.”
3) She has, as of the writing of this post, 17,378 followers! This is a staggering number!
4) To raise money for Twestival’s Charity: Water, Julia Roy auctioned off an evening of drinks and dinner with herself. The final bid was $1,549.00!!!
5) If we can all follow her this month on Twitter, and then DM (direct message) her and politely ask her to cover the #endo hash tag for National Endometriosis Awareness Month, we may see this happen.
The more we use that #endo, the more popularity it’s going to gain this month! Keep encouraging other women you know to use it! The more awareness we can bring to this disease the better!
Here is the comment I posted to Endochick's post:
Thank you so much for finding Julia Roy! As we discussed the other day, we should direct message her with requests to cover #endo on her show. The #endo twitter hashtag is really catching on and is now listed in the hashdictionary, thanks to Debby Bruck of Holistic Twitter.
If we spread the word to our endo sisters and enough people send messages to Julia Roy, we can make this happen. We have to get as many people as possible to message her, though, because she has LOTS of followers!
So we need to get the word out to other endo bloggers and endo patients AND ANYONE who supports the endo cause! Getting #endo featured on Julia Roy's show could really be huge for increasing awareness. With all of these coordinated efforts, something is going to pay off! We all just need to be determined and persistent!
THANK YOU! Now let's spread the word... email, Facebook, other endo blogs (comments), etc. We need help! We need more people messaging her. You and I have already sent her tweet messages... and we can do so again. However, we need others to join us.
In addition to following and direct messaging Julia Roy, there is another powerful twitter tool we need to be using:
According to Mr. Tweet, #followfriday is the biggest trend, by far, with twitter hashtags at this time.
Here's the kicker. Few people seem to be following the "rules" and using #followfriday just on Fridays! In fact, since I installed TweetDeck, I see #followfriday tweets popping in all day, every day. Today, I saw a tweet where the woman (SerendipityJane) came out and acknowledged that she was purposely not following the Friday "rule". So, I'm figuring, why should we be the one ones following the "rules" and waiting until Friday?
So I just sent this tweet and I'll post it here as an example:
@SerendipityJane Jane inspired me to break rules. Here's who I'd love ppl to follow: @endochick @momtojake @jeanneendo #endo #followfriday
@endochick is Endochick
@momtojake is Melissa Ralston
So if you have twitter, doing Follow Friday is very easy. Simply write a tweet listing the people you want others to follow. (The people you listed need to be on twitter and you listed them by their twitter name, as I did above). That's it. That will direct traffic to those bloggers. Think of it like a "referral".
OK. Let's get twittering! Don't forget to mark endometriosis-related tweets with #endo!
I just posted this comment on Endochick's blog post about Julia Roy:
I just emailed Julia Roy and copied you on it!
Her email address is:
Her blog is:
I just posted a comment on her last Tweet Week post! There was no comment moderation... it posted immediately. So even if she doesn't mention #endo on her next Tweet Week, we may get some decent visibility simply from readers of her blog looking at the comments!
Here was my email to Julia Roy:
Dear Julia,
I am one of the 89 million women and girls affected by endometriosis.
Endometriosis is more common than AIDS and cancer!!
(Source: Ohio State University Medical Center)
In late February, I posted my 2nd video. In it, I asked people to use this hashtag for all endometriosis-related tweets:
It has really caught on and many people are using it now.
March is Endometriosis Awareness Month. My fellow endo bloggers/patients and I desperately want to increase awareness about this serious illness!!
My endo started at age 13. Currently I’m 40. So I’ve been living with endometriosis for 27 years.
My friend and fellow blogger Endochick, of Endometriosis: The Silent Life Sentence was the one who told me about your show.
We would be ecstatic if you could feature this:
...on your Tweet Week show!
Endometriosis Awareness Petition
We have hundreds of signatures... many with heartbreaking comments...
Thank you SO much for considering featuring #endo on your show. Endometriosis affects SO many but does NOT receive the attention it needs and deserves! So many women and girls are suffering in silence.
Please help us educate the public and connect women to their fellow patients!
This is one of the messages we’ve been tweeting quite a bit: “MARCH BLOGGING MADNESS FOR ENDOMETRIOSIS AWARENESS #endo PLEASE RETWEET!”
We appreciate your help!
Finally, here is what I posted on Julia Roy's blog about our wish to have #endo featured on her Tweet Week:
Blog comment response to Tweet Week - Episode 13
This article was posted by Jeanne via "Jeanne's Endo Blog" at
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