(Picture courtesy of Hammocks.com @ http://www.hammocks.com/)
We all have our favorite coping skills and methods for managing our chronic illnesses. We have methods for improving our quality of life, reducing pain, and remaining productive despite our limitations.
In this post, I'd like to ask readers for participation!!!
PLEASE post comments outlining your favorite coping techniques. This doesn't need to be anything elaborate or fancy.
I'll give some examples: drinking a cup of tea, listening to relaxing music, taking a hot bath, and talking with a supportive friend would be just a few examples of ways to manage chronic illness and improve quality of life as well.
Maybe you enjoy meditation. Perhaps you enjoy visualizing relaxing places... like a beach:
(Picture courtesy of wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beach)
I'd really like to hear from readers on this. Many readers of this blog are wise, insightful, and experienced at coping with chronic illness. If you could take just a moment to share your successful tips for coping with chronic illnesses, for remaining productive without causing your body more harm/overdoing, and pinpointing methods for pain relief and relaxation (i.e. for me, acupuncture is VERY relaxing and definitely helps my pain)!!!
So... bring it on! Please! I really want to hear from you! Please share your ideas and tips. Let's see how many ideas we can come up with for coping with chronic illnesses!
I greatly appreciate your comments!!
"However much we are affected by the things of the world,
however deeply they may stir and stimulate us,
they become human for us only when we can discuss them with our fellows...
We humanize what is going on in the world and in ourselves only by speaking of it,
and in the course of speaking of it we learn to be human."
- Hanna Arendt in "Confiding"
This article was posted by Jeanne via "Jeanne's Endo Blog" at www.endendoat.blogspot.com.
my most effective coping skills for endo are
1. avoidance of triggers
(alcohol, sugar, gluten, coffee, tea, all caffeine, processed foods, legumes or any other plants that are high in phytoestrogens, any foods that can cause diarrhea for me, intercourse near to menses or ovulation, various pharmaceutical drugs, chemicals, fragrances etc etc)
and when that fails (eg I can't avoid my period LOL, I cheated and ate beans etc)
2. ice packs
I know some people are helped by heat but I'm usually the opposite. A hot bath, heating pad, even hot soup or tea can intensify the pain.
Due to chemical sensitivities, I don't tolerate any pain killers that are made synthetically.
I have used some herbs like meadowsweet but they only serve to take the edge off the pain. Ice and relaxation work the best.
I have found that if I avoid certain diet triggers and take vitamin E and evening primrose oil faithfully, this greatly lessens the pain. I have read conflicting things about EPO and at times have gone off it but each time, I have such horrible flare ups that I go back on.
I have also had EFT (aka 'tapping') help somewhat during an attack. I haven't put a lot of energy into doing preventative tapping but if I do, I'll report how it works.
I first experienced endo at age 19. Had one isolated attack lasting a few hours about 2 yrs before that.
Tried GnrH analog therapy which worked perfectly while I was on it and failed miserably after it ended.
Had surgery with excision and cautery about 5 yrs ago which did help for a few yrs. It's slowly coming back again. very hard for them to get all of it. And now I am severely chemically sensitive so surgery is not an option due to reactions to anesthetics.
Hmmm... I realise those last few are not things that did work but rather things that didn't. If you want to snip those out of the comment, please feel free :-)
I couldn't find a section for posting things that didn't work.
If there is one, can you let me know? Thanks!
Look at you! Finding a September blog post lacking completely in comments and being the first one to post one on it. Yay! :) :) You made my day!
Seriously, skipping ahead to the concerns you expressed at the end of your comments here... please don't worry if they weren't all coping mechanisms.
1) You listed a ton of great coping skills
2) Even the most diligent chronic illness patients know that there are times when even the "best" coping skills seem insufficient
Your trigger avoidance ideas are very thorough! I give you a lot of credit for not only being aware of all of those options but being able to follow through on the challenging task of following the guidelines you mentioned.
You clearly are advocating for yourself and working hard on your path toward wellness. That's fantastic!!
As far as the ice vs. heat, everyone is different. You have learned that ice works for you. That's awesome! Better to know what works best for YOUR body than to use methods that don't work -- or even worsen symptoms as you had said.
I understand the pitfalls of chemical sensitivity. While I do manage to take some prescriptions (my body rebels in bad ways when I try to cut them out, unfortunately), I know there are MANY, MANY prescriptions I cannot tolerate at all. So I hear you there!
My best weapon against pain (and ALL of my symptoms, for that matter) is acupuncture!
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have heard of tapping but haven't tried it.
While I have had some atypical reactions to general anesthesia, I have been fortunate enough to manage...
I have to say, though, that a had a TERRIBLE ordeal with nitrous oxide (see my 12/26 blog post) for a recent tooth extraction. NEVER AGAIN!!
Don't ever worry if your comment goes a bit off the initial track.
1) I am the queen of tangents. (Just read my blog enough and you'll figure that out pretty quickly)!
2) Sometimes taking a "sideroad" in a comment ends up resonating with another reader who then joins in on a conversation that might not have happened otherwise.
So, you won't have to worry about me "snipping" your comments on this.
Take care and have an awesome weekend!!
Jeanne :)
hi Jeanne,
I can see acupuncture really helping with endo (and many things). it's not in my budget but when it was for a brief time a few years ago, I really appreciated it.
Tapping or EFT is pretty simple - it's just tapping on certain acupuncture meridian points while saying certain phrases. it can seem daunting to learn at first but it's free to learn (many resources online) and free to do on oneself so it's a great resource!
If you want more info, let me know :-)
take care
Yes, acupuncture helps me so much with so many of my illnesses. It's really amazing.
Mine is not covered. I used to try to stagger my appointments out to save money. What I found was that spacing out my appointments for acupuncture INCREASED the amount I spent on specialist co pays. So it's actually CHEAPER for me to get acupuncture (uncovered) than to stagger it out or skip it... and turn around to give more money to the pharmacy or my other docs.
If I skimped on acupuncture, I got much sicker. Then I was running to the specialists more. All they wanted to do was drug me up (or worse... do more surgery). :(
So I have concluded that acupuncture is far cheaper for me than paying my specialist co pays more often and getting sicker & sicker.
My acupuncture kind of "pays for itself". :)
I may have to come up with more money for an acupuncture session than for a single doctor's appointment. However, I'm preventing or putting off surgeries, I'm saving on Rx co pays, and I'm spending less on specialist co pays!
I may not get acupuncture as often as I'd like (due to the cost and the driving time) but I try to look at my acupuncture as a larger "co pay" for a better return and less cost down the road (financially and health-wise).
When my husband got laid off a few years back, I tried staggering my acupuncture out. I quickly realized just how much acupuncture was really helping me.
I have been getting it for 8 years. It is totally amazing. I am never as relaxed as I am at acupuncture.
With my fibromyalgia & sleep apnea, I don't get restful sleep. At an acupuncture appointment, I just kind of "zone out" in this awesome "semi-conscious" state (darn near unconscious many times)... Afterwards I just feel at peace. It's truly amazing.
Acupuncture isn't in my budget either when I look at it in dollars and cents spent the day of the appointment. (Heck, I don't have cable or dish. We ditched that about 5 years ago because it was too expensive).
I have put acupuncture pretty high on my list for spending priorities because, with no disrespect to my other doctors, my acupuncturist has helped me more than all of my other docs (there are many) put together!!
A friend had mentioned EFT to me awhile back so I have heard of it. Thank you for mentioning it. It's always nice to learn of the many options out there besides the "drugs & surgery" mindset that dominates Western Medicine.
I have done some acupressure successfully (such as working the wrist point for alleviating nausea).
I know acupressure and EFT are not the same thing but I just know that acupressure has helped me.
Thanks for all the info!! It sounds like you keep busy in the quest for wellness and searching for options beyond just the "traditional" ones. That's great! :)
P.S. I'm happy that you have become such a frequent commenter here. THANK YOU! :)
hi Jeanne,
I've had that wrist point for nausea work for me too!
EFT is pretty much acupressure (either pressing or tapping) mixed with certain spoken phrases. But one can do it just with 'intention' and not even say the words.
If I had to choose between paying an MD or paying a natural practitioner, the doctor would almost never win.
Since I can use synthetic remedies, there's nothing they can do for me unless I have something like a broken bone!
So I tend to forget how lucky I am that it's free here.
I don't have any cable either - money much better spent elsewhere I say!
It's great acupuncture has helped so much for you. Getting a good practitioner can also make a real difference in how effective it is I think.
Yes, love that wrist point for nausea. :)
I have heard about EFT from a couple of different people. I haven't looked at the online manual but I know it exists because one of my blogger friends (a frequent commenter on this blog) had written about it.
Her name is Mckay k. I have so many screens open right now that looking up her site address will surely crash my Internet windows all out.
Just see my blogroll for her blog. It's called 'Living With Chronic Illness' (I hope I have the name right)! If not, let me know & I'll get you her link...
If you search her blog for EFT, you'll find a big post about it.
Anyway, did you ever see the movies "What the Bleep Do We Know?" and "The Elegant Universe"?
The 1st one features Marlee Matlin (the Academy Award winning actress who happens to be deaf). It also has interviews with scientists, philosophers, etc. It's about quantum physics. You would like it.
The second movie was a NOVA special on PBS. It's also about quantum physics.
Anyway, I think you'd like both movies!
I hear you about natural practitioners vs. MDs. :)
I have MCS so I react to many prescriptions. So I can relate to what you're saying.
My brain is fried right now... Forgive me for asking a dumb question but do you have MCS?
I know it's probably a dumb question. I am sleep deprived and not thinking straight! I think you do, right? My brain is mush today! :)
It's free for your healthcare... are you in Canada? I can't remember but I thought that was where you are, right?
You've got to love universal healthcare!!!! Having that would have changed my life profoundly!!!!!
My medical debt is very upsetting!
Yes, there is life without cable or dish. :)
Yes, acupuncture has been an amazing gift. I am WAY overdue to blog about it.
I have a draft of an acupuncture blog post but I can't seem to get it quite finished to publish it.
It's at the top of my long to-do list, though!
My acupuncturist is phenomenal!!! I am very, very fortunate!
I'm sorry. I just looked at your blog. Of course you have MCS!! Silly me. Since your comments are turned off, I haven't been on your blog in a few days. That's part of why I couldn't remember.
Any idea when your comments might be turned back on? Would comments moderation work or do you need more than that?
I don't ask to be nosy! I was just curious because I have another endo blogger who tried to post comments there too and couldn't.
Have a wonderful day!
hi Jeanne,
I loved What The Bleep!
I hadn't heard of the other one - thank you for mentioning it.
I do have severe MCS - am mostly housebound.
The free healthcare system here in Canada seems great but for someone with MCS, it is pretty useless (except for something like a broken bone).
Still, I am very glad to have it and if I ever need a prescription (which isn't covered) at least I know the visit to the doctor to get it is free! We are very blessed and I hope more of the world follows suit :-)
re: my blog comments. I'm sorry for the frustration that is causing!
I am extremely sensitive to energy and there is a lot of controversy/resistance in the MCs community to the idea that it is possible to heal (kind of akin to someone with terminal cancer suggesting they can heal).
When I first started blogging, I received overwhelmingly hostile and veneoous comments.
Due to my sensitivity to energy and how *physically* ill I got from it, I realised that comment moderation was no a solution unless I found someone else to moderate.
I need to never even SEE the venom :-)
That's in the works right now and hopefully comments will be turned on within a few weeks.
I figured you'd like the "Bleep" movie! :) Yes, the other one is good too.
I'm sorry your MCS is so severe! I think healthcare for MCS stinks (no pun intended) in ANY country. At least if you break a bone, you don't have to worry about if you can afford to have medical attention, right? Seriously, I understand what you're saying and I don't mean to sound like I'm making light of it.
Free doctor visits! You can't beat that! I've almost lost my house thanks to medical bills.
Yes, I sure hope universal coverage will truly become UNIVERSAL in the world!
I believe basic healthcare is a fundamental human right. (See the special features on the Sicko DVD for an interview with a British gentleman who had retired from Parliament). He summed up what I believe on this topic.
Proper healthcare shouldn't be a "luxury" for only those with the financial means to pay for it.
Lack of healthcare or inferior healthcare is bad for the public health, bad for the economy, bad for taxes, etc. It is also morally wrong for those with less money to suffer without proper medical care, in my opinion)!!
Don't apologize for the blog comments not working now. I understand you are protecting yourself from people upsetting you and having the power to upset you to the point of making you even sicker.
It is tricky when "cures" get put out there for illnesses that are considered "incurable". Whether it's MCS or cancer, claimed "cures" invalidate people's reality. I'm sure you did not make claims for "false cures". (There are many scammers out there. I have run into them. They make people very upset and wary)...
If MCS were curable at the drop of a hat, you wouldn't be practically homebound with it, right?
At the same time, there are illnesses that were considered years ago to be "incurable" that are now considered "curable" after research breakthroughs or patients finding their own paths to healing.
I myself have several "incurable" conditions and my feelings get hurt when healthy people try to tell me that I'm imagining my symptoms or that I "just want attention" (that one always kills me"!), or that I need "willpower".
I used to work 80+ hours a week when I was out in the workforce.
Now the #1 reason I leave my house is to keep up with all of my doctors appointments. :(
I am far from lazy but I know there are healthy people who view me as lazy because I am not "out in the workforce".
I work 7 days a week on this blog. I do it to help people. (I sure as heck am not making a living from it).
My first check in February from Amazon referral fees will be for less than $20 for over 7 months of work... working 7 days a week! Clearly I'm not doing this for money!
I think the reaction you experienced may be people thinking you are touting "cures"??? I'm just guessing based on what you said. I didn't see the comments that were made to you or what you posted that preceded them.
I know I have a fellow blogger that I really like who simply doesn't understand my illnesses.
I have many genetically predisposed, chronic conditions. I can't help them any more than I could help the cancer I had removed in 1996.
I think she thinks that I am so sick because I am not trying hard enough to get well.
I have lost years of my life to try my best to get better. I have almost lost my house 3 times. My medical situation had endangered the financial well-being of my entire family.
When people talk flippantly (I'm not suggesting YOU did this) about "cures" for illnesses that are not easily treated much less cured, it really upsets me.
I'm guessing that maybe your words were misinterpreted by people who don't understand mind/body healing. I can tell from your comments that you believe in the concepts of mind/body healing (as do I).
As you know, methods like EFT can't cure anyone overnight of illnesses that have been brewing for many years.
I'm guessing (???) that maybe this explains why people said the things that upset you???
That is strictly a guess based on what you have said.
This becomes controversial in that wording choice is very important. The word "cure" is a sticking point for me. I use terms like "remission" when a chronically ill person reaches a point of absence of symptoms for X amount of time because I know the recurrence rates are high for many of these illnesses.
That doesn't mean that I don't think the body is capable of healing itself. Given the right environment, the body (and mind) can do amazing things!
I know about energy work and understand where you are coming from with that. Interacting with "toxic" people or receiving "toxic comments' from people we love can really HURT!
I think the semantics and language matter here. I think that perceptions and interpretations come into play here.
I'm sorry people have said things to upset you in this way. On the other side of the coin, I have been deeply hurt by people implying (or even stating) that I'm "exaggerating", faking, crazy, etc. I think patients who are disbelieved get angry when they hear someone talking like they choose to be sick. I know I do.
It's a very touchy subject. It hurts people.
It sounds like you are doing what you need to do to protect your health with the handling of the comments. You owe no one an explantion for that. After all, it's your blog!
One fellow blogger told me she wanted to reply to one of your posts and I had wanted to do so too. That's the only reason I asked. Please don't stress about it.
Do what you need to do. :)
I agree Jeanne - healthcare should be a basic human right - no matter how poor or rich one is. To me it's shameful that it isn't so.
I don't believe there is a 'cure' for MCS either and have definitely never hinted at that on my blog. I am suspicious of anyone who suggests there is a cure.
My own healing has been slow but it has been pretty steady and the better I get, the more excited I feel! It's amazing to be able to do things that normal folks take for granted like go to a restaurant! MCS has so many hidden gifts in it and for me, one of the biggest is gratitude and appreciation for things I used to take from granted.
I feel that we are all individuals and MCS is very unique to each of us - so I believe that any healing journey will therefore be different for each person.
I am sharing about my own personal healing journey in the hopes that
a) it will inspire hope of healing (hope is a very powerful thing!)
b) it may inspire others to explore things that may or may not end up proving useful on their own healing journeys
c) get people thinking in terms of 'healing journeys' instead of 'life sentences'
(a healing journey for some may never involve being able to be around triggers without reacting but it may involve them having a life that feels fulfilling and positive :-)
and finally
d) I am blogging because I want to keep track of my healing for myself and journalling wasn't doing it - I just didn't have the motivation to journal much but when I know others may read it and benefit, it motivates me more!
re: comments people make (that really suck)
I'm so sorry that happens to you. I've had those too and they really cut deep. Some of the one's people have said to you are really awful :-(
Do you have things you do to help dispel that negative 'energy'?
I hope that what I share on my blog never invalidates anyone's reality. Language is powerful and I try to always be aware of my words. I try to say things like "I believe" or "It may be" rather than stating things as facts and when I talk about the possibility of healing, I emphasise that I believe it is possible. Not that it will happen for everyone. Nor do I in ANY way believe that people are sick because they aren't trying hard enough to get well. That's such a frustrating belief to come up against! I hate that and get angry too.
I think you are right that some of the commenters (whose comments I did not let through) misunderstood me or simply don't believe in the mind-body connection the same way I do.
I, too believe that our body and mind can do amazing things!
I like the idea of people with incurable illnesses exploring this - as long as they have the energy to do so.
To me it seems like a no-brainer... if this has even a remote possibility of helping, why wouldn't anyone want to explore it!? Maybe because sometimes it's scary to hope - especially if our hopes have been dashed in the past. So I respect some people needing to hold off on the hope until it feels safe.
I also recall that just a few short years ago I was in a place where I'd get angry at anyone who suggested that the mind-body connection may be able to help MCS. So I can relate to the hostility - I just don't want to have it on my blog (or in my life really ;-)
A friend of mine has now agreed to moderate comments - passing on the non-hostile ones to me to reply to and deleting the rest. We'll see how it goes!
I turned them back on today but my friend actually 'has a life' so there may sometimes be delays in them appearing.
Your comment is awesome and amazing. I can't wait to respond to it in detail!
Unfortunately, I am about to head out the door for an appointment and I can't respond in detail now. (I also had a doc appt this morning trudging through the snow... "happy happy, joy joy"). :)
It's a balmy 26.1 Fahreinheit here today. That beats the 1 degree a couple of days ago (and subzero before that)... but my fibro and Reynaud's Disease are still screaming at me for going out earlier today! (OH... and I got to smell the receptionist's lovely perfume at my doctor's office today. My MCS loved that! I thought I was going to pass out, puke, or both)!!!!! :(
Your input here is outstanding & helpful.
I knew where you were coming from (re: comment moderation on your blog) even in the short time we've been exchanging comments here.
You aren't the "snake oil salesperson" type!!
I'm afraid I have to run now but I would like to respond "point-by-point" to your comment as soon as I can.
I wish this exchange were in a more recent post, in a way, because I don't know how much traffic this older post is getting!
On the other hand, I think our comments here fit right in with this particular post.
I guess what I'm saying is I'd love it if you'd comment on other posts in addition to this one because you have some great ideas and resources that many could benefit from!!
(Did you vote on my poll yet)?? :)
I wish I could write more. I'm running late!
I'll write more later.
Have a great day!!
P.S. I'm so glad you understood my last comments & didn't take offense! :)
hi Jeanne,
I'm sorry for the huge delay in replying!
typing is hard for me both cognitively and physically (entrapped nerve) so I have to spread it out amongst personal emails, blogging and replies to comments i made. That's why I don't comment more!
do you have a mask you can wear at the doctor's office? it always blows my mind how medical offices are not more aware about fragrance. very frustrating!
I, too, was wishing this topic was more visible. I may take parts of what I said here and use it in a future blog post - referring to this post of yours in case anyone wants to read our dialog back and forth. If I do so, I'd check with you first of course :-)
I have since turned comments back on and the few comments I have had have been very positive and encouraging.
take care,
Hi Liberty!
No need to apologize! Trust me when I say that I know what it feels like to not be able to catch up on things... I have really been feeling that lately!
Typing is hard for me for multiple reasons. The 2 biggest reasons are nerve pain (sitting hurts my thigh/leg) and neuropathy (my left hand/wrist are really, really bad lately).
So I TOTALLY understand!
I don't wear a mask. I just force myself to sit there in the waiting room and tell myself over and over that my name will be called soon. It's hard!
You are more than welcome to link to this comment exchange in your future blog post. :)
I'm happy that your comments moderation is working out OK this time! I need to add visiting your blog to the top of my to-do list! :)
Your comments are always informative, supportive, and helpful!
Thank you so much for your patience!!
I know I still owe you more comments back. Taking time off blogging has really got me off-kilter!
Take care,
I’m FINALLY getting to my more detail-oriented response to you previous comment. Thank you for your patience!! You had so much to say that was so great, it is taking me awhile to catch up to your comments (including this one).
Yes, it seems healthcare should be a basic right. It boggles my mind that there has ever been a question about this.
It’s great that you have felt steady progress in your healing journey! No wonder you’re excited!
Yes, MCS does have gifts... as you said. I actually blogged yesterday about the whole notion that chronic illnesses can hold gifts and blessings.
It is a post featuring Michael J. Fox and I just love the way he explains that chronic illnesses (in his case Parkinson’s) can actually hold those hidden gifts you referred to!
In all of the years I have been chronically ill (i.e. since the age of 13), I have learned time and again from talking with so many patients that one of the biggest blessings associated with chronic illnesses is GRATITUDE!
It really is easier to appreciate things that others may take for granted once chronic illness has stepped in as a teacher! It’s so true!
I totally agree that each person is unique and will have his/her own unique path to healing!
Like you, I share my journey with others for very similar reasons.
I do believe patients sharing their experiences with other patients can facilitate healing via support, exchanging info, sharing resources, etc.
I definitely think patients inspire each other! I see this every day.
I agree too that hope is a very powerful thing!
Here’s my post about Michael J. Fox and his take on chronic illness (in his case Parkinson’s)...
As you said, if I share what I’ve tried it may not work for another but that doesn’t mean that it won’t inspire that person to find his/her own solutions for the challenges he/she faces.
I agree that the idea of being on a healing journey facilitates movement that is positive and that steps closer to the goal... wellness.
Having a life that feels fulfilling and positive is the name of the game in my book.
To keep being productive despite disabilities, to keep helping others despite one’s own major hurdles, to keep a positive attitude in the face of massive challenges...
These things are so important!
I agree that it’s far more motivating to know that others may benefit from what’s being written.
To help others, to be productive, to feel fulfilled... I do find that blogging facilitates all of these things!
It is unfortunate that people have made comments to your blog that were so upsetting.
If you read my recent blog post about exploitation of patients, you’ll see that I sometimes get very upsetting comments too.
Unfortunately, I think this is just part of blogging. This is the downside.
See this post about “scammers”:
I try not to let such negative energy get to me but people who scam patients really do upset me.
It’s funny but I go out of my way to do the same things as you...
I say things like “I believe”, “it may be”, or “apparently...” rather than stating things in black and white terms that assume they are fact, in discussing healing.
I too stress what I believe is possible without telling people “here is what IS”.
I absolutely agree with you that it’s crucial not to imply that something (healing-wise) will happen for everyone... I most certainly agree with you that the fact that someone is sick does NOT mean the person isn’t trying enough to get well!
That mentality (that people who are sick simply need to “will themselves” better) is hurtful and insulting to patients.
It truly is a frustrating belief to come up against, as you said!
It is very upsetting for patients who are making huge/difficult lifestyle changes and/or taking medications (which are expensive) and/or having surgeries (which are expensive and NOT fun) to feel judged by people who are healthy or healthier... and who think they have “the answers”.
These healthy/healthier people really need to be grateful for their health rather than perceiving it as something that anyone can attain if they “try hard enough”!
Some people just do not understand the nature of chronic illness at all!
Because I have studied the mind-body connection you talk about, I “get it” in a way that some people may not.
It sounds like those who left hurtful comments on your blog simply didn’t “get it”.
Maybe they have never been exposed to mind-body healing teachings.
The body and mind really are amazing. I agree with everything you are saying.
It may be scary to hope when hopes have been dashed previously but to me it’s far scarier not to keep hoping.
Like you, I respect that some people are not in a place & time where they feel comfortable hoping.
Everyone has their own journey and timetable and level of understanding. I don’t think anyone can impose his/her timetable on anyone else.
You make some excellent points!!!
I totally understand why you had turned blog comments off. I’m glad you found a way to manage this and that you have the comments back on (so long as it’s working for you, of course).
I applaud you for taking the steps you needed to take in order to protect yourself. Having energy drained by stress when one is already so sick just makes things worse!
So good for you! That is an example of a coping skill you used at that point in time and it was helpful to you.
Good for you!! :)
Liberty, thanks so much for you in-depth, thought-provoking, caring comments. Your ideas are helping other people cope with difficult circumstances!
Clearly you’ve been at this for awhile. By “this”, I mean your hard work at coping, learning, managing symptoms, and healing!!
Thank you!
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