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Endometriosis Blog Seeks Guest Bloggers On Health-Related Topics

Is anyone out there interested in guest blogging about a medical topic on this blog?

Currently I'm seeking individuals who would like to guest blog here. The topic would need to be health related but not necessarily about endometriosis. For example, you may write a blog for a different chronic illness related to endometriosis. Perhaps the chronic illness you write about is even correlated to endometriosis in studies. It would be great to have a guest blogger tell us his/her experiences on a health related topic such as this. Your post does not necessarily have to be about endometriosis or an endometriosis-related illness.

If you are interested in submitting a request to be a guest blogger here, just email me at endendo@frontiernet.net. Please specify what topic you'd like to write about.

I believe this is a wonderful way to get information from other sources on this blog. This will strengthen Jeanne's Endo Blog and introduce diversity to the writing style presented here as well as allow readers here to see things from another vantage point than just mine. Perhaps you have a personal experience you'd like to share about how your illness has impacted you? Maybe you have a success story to share. (Please stray away from any advertisements for specific products or prescription brand names and cover such things in broad terms).

This is an exciting opportunity to share your ideas with readers here.

You may be wondering, "what will I get out of this"?

Within your guest blogger post, you will be able to promote your own site. This stands to increase traffic to your own website or blog. I encourage you to provide some basic information about yourself, your illness, and how it impacts you. This will give you the opportunity to write about your own site and help more people than the readers of your site. It will allow you to reach out to a new audience.

Again, the topic idea you submit needs to be a health related one. Please don't bother writing up your post just yet. If you could please send me your idea(s) on what you'd like to guest blog about, I will get back to you to identify how your post could be integrated to fit on this blog. (I would like to make sure that the topic is a "match" that readers here will identify with).

How to submit your idea(s):

Email me at endendo@frontiernet.net and indicate that you'd like to guest blog on Jeanne's Endo Blog. Please put "Guest Blogging" in the subject line to draw my attention to your email. I'll email you back to follow up on your submission. If your topic idea sounds like a fit for this blog, I'll post your story shortly after you submit it (based on what posts I have scheduled to publish at that time).

What I Won't Accept as Guest Posts:

Please do not submit posts that promote specific products (i.e. nutritional supplements, prescriptions by their brand name, other products that fall under the category of solicitation). The purpose of the post is to create awareness, educate readers, help patients, and promote your website or blog in the process.

For more details on my policy regarding advertisement on this blog, please see my previous post:

Sunday, June 29, 2008 Endometriosis Blog: Ground Rules for Comments, Google, and AdSense PLUS My Anticipated Response Time for Comments

This article was posted by Jeanne via "Jeanne's Endo Blog" at www.endendoat.blogspot.com.


My Endo Journey said...

What a great idea! I can't wait to read the guest bloggers postings!

Jeanne said...

My endo journey,

Let's hope someone takes me up on it! :)

Let me know if you'd like to swap blogging duties for a day sometime... I think sometimes it helps to "mix things up". Plus it makes for good cross-traffic all around!

Or, if you aren't into having guest bloggers on your site, you're always welcome here!! :)


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