I'll include a small sampling of item examples on this post. See website below for more.
There are T-shirts, license plate holders that say "www.invisibleillness.com" on them, mugs, static cling stickers for vehicle windows (at just $3.00 apiece!), etc.
By the way... please note that I don't get compensated in any way for directing people to these products. They looked good to me and I'm just passing that information along.
Here is a close up of the text on a T-shirt they are selling:
Here are some more images of items that might appeal to some of you. Just double click on the images to enlarge the pictures!
However, the best way to view the selection of merchandise is to simply view their site:
This article was posted by Jeanne via "Jeanne's Endo Blog" at www.endendoat.blogspot.com.
I am really enjoying all the information coming out of the National Invisible Chronic Illness Awareness Week.
This morning, for the first time, I read "The Spoon Theory". Christine Miserandino described just what it is
like to be chronically ill and how to demonstrate it to your family and friends in a way that they just have to get it.
For any one who has not read it, visit her blog "But You Don't Look Sick" and click on "The Spoon Theory".
Mckay k,
Yes... some really great info is coming out this week. I love it!
Like you I am a big fan of "The Spoon Theory"! I was first introduced to it several years ago when one of my local endometriosis support group members emailed me the link to Christine's website.
Ever since then, I have distributed it to many people. It's one of the first links I put in my favorites when I started this blog in June!
I just LOVE "The Spoon Theory"!!
Christine has now actually got both a website and a blog.
The website is:
The blog is:
It was so cool to talk with her yesterday after following her for years. She has become something of an icon in the chronic illness world... from what I gather!
Hi Jeanne,
I just saw your post in the II hub of the sunroom and anything dealing with endo always catchs my eye. In fact I just shared my own story including endo at noon today during my talk about Medications, Illness, Fertility and the Desire for Motherhood. Am enjoying checking out your blog and am sure I'll be here reading for a while!
Hi Jenni Saake!
Welcome!! Yes, I visited the online "Invisible Illness Sunroom" earlier today and I'm glad my post led you here.
I'm afraid that I missed hearing your story because I wasn't available when it aired on blogtalkradio earlier today.
So I'm really grateful that it will be available in the archives and I look forward to listening to it!
Thank you for including the link that takes readers right to that archive of your talk today on "Medications, Illness, Fertility and the Desire for Motherhood".
[Readers who are interested in listening to the archived talk just need to register with blogtalkradio and login in order to hear the program using the link Jenni provided].
I'm so glad you found us here! If endometriosis is what caught your eye, I'm sure you'll find plenty to keep you busy reading. :) We cover other chronic illnesses here too.
I have had endometriosis symptoms for 26 years now. I'm 39 years old. I now have many other chronic illnesses as well. (Many of them are correlated to endometriosis in studies).
I just did a quick click on the link you so nicely included and I'm sure (without even hearing your talk yet!) that many readers here will really appreciate the topic!
Many of our readers have experienced infertility in the past or are going through it now. Also, endometriosis increases the risk for miscarriage.
Again, I'm really pleased that you found us here and I hope that you like what you see!
Obviously feel free to spread the word about this blog since I would imagine you probably know people who would find it helpful.
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