This article was posted by Jeanne via "Jeanne's Endo Blog" at www.endendoat.blogspot.com.
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Welcome! This is an endometriosis blog and so much more!!! The focus here is on coping with various types of chronic illnesses & pain. Here is just a sampling of the other conditions covered: fibromyalgia, infertility, interstitial cystitis, multiple chemical sensitivity, IBS, vulvodynia, environmental issues, etc. Please join us here for support and information. Thanks for stopping by to check out my blog!
"The firmest friendships have been formed in mutual adversity, as iron is most strongly united by the fiercest flames" -- C.C. Colton
"Shared suffering brings people together faster than anything else does" -- Unknown
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Phone: 973-989-1122 (Ext. 15)
Website: www.selfhelpgroups.org
Hi Jeanne, Yes, by absentee ballot last week. Such a convenient way to vote when homebound!
So far, it sounds like election turn out is breaking records. Perhaps the highest turn out in a hundred years. Wouldn't that be something? Yeah American citizens!
I'll be heading out to vote as soon as my husband gets done with work.
That is a great idea for those who are homebound to vote that way. :)
Yes, it's so wonderful to see the high voter turnout... It means that more voices are being heard!
I think it's fantastic that so many people are voting. I vote in every election (including all primaries) and I'm surprised by how many people choose not to vote. Every vote counts!
Jeanne, I am just a Canuck green-carder but next election I'll be a full fledged citizen and I'm sure my vote will make or break an historic election.
Hey, every vote counts!! Your voice will be officially heard next time. :)
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