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Housekeeping For Move

In preparation for the upcoming move to my new blog, I am doing some housekeeping. Therefore, you may notice some older posts getting re-published as I "clean out the cobwebs". Primarily those who will notice this are my subscribers, as you'll receive notifications on re-posted articles. I apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience as we get closer to the new blog. Stay tuned... there will be blog giveaways after the new blog launches!

This article was posted by Jeanne via "Jeanne's Endo Blog" at www.endendoat.blogspot.com.


My Endo Journey said...

Looking forward to the new blog!!!!!11

Jeanne said...

Ditto! Thanks!


Jannie Funster said...

Oh, it's so exciting about your switch-over, Jeanne!

Can't wait.

Jeanne said...


You and me both. I have been spreading myself really thin. Getting this transfer behind me is going to de-stress me quite a bit. There are not enough hours in the day for all I'm trying to do online and off.


P.S. You'll help me with my inevitable Wordpress questions, I hope? I'm sure you'll be hearing from me. :)

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a smooth move!

Jeanne said...


Thank you!


Jannie Funster said...

Excellent. Will you get a new hair-do and outfit for the launch? Please let me know the date as I want my hair to be perfect for the occasion!!

Jeanne said...

Jannie aka Grannie Jannie,

I considered a Mohawk but have since ruled it out. Coloring and perming are out for me because I have multiple chemical sensitivity. Maybe a brush cut would eliminate my gray hair? What do you think?

Tell me what you'll be wearing so we can coordinate outfits.

I don't have a date yet but it's pretty imminent.


Shauna said...

Congrats Jeanne,

Looking forward to your new spot in the blogosphere!!

Hope you got my email via the new and utterly tough to 'merge' MyBlogLog!!

I'm here for you Jeanne....

Gentle Hugs and watch that hairstyle choice!! Yikes! LOL

Jeanne said...



I'm looking forward to it too. It's quite a process. I just hope we pull it off by June 1st (the target date).

I will have to check MyBlogLog. I haven't been in it in awhile. I have been so consumed with the transfer that I have not spent much time on anything else lately.

Thank you.

Gentle Hugs back.

Haha. Jannie and I get silly. She's called Funster for a reason. :)


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