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Three Days To New Blog!

My new blog launches June 1st (which is also my 1 year blogoversary)!

Three more days until the move to this blog's new home!

I have been spreading the word in various places: twitter, my YouTube channel, MyBlogLog, Facebook, etc.

I could use all the help I can get spreading the word about my blog's move! So, please consider retweeting my twitter message or sharing my Facebook links. Every little bit helps. I would really appreciate any help I can get spreading the word about this move happening June 1st. Thank you!

If you don't have a gravatar set up, please see this site:


By setting up a gravatar, your picture will appear on my new blog (i.e. when you comment on the new blog)... rather than a default image appearing to represent you). I'm still getting used to my new blog but I believe this will cause you to link back to your own site too (much the same as your Google profile links to your blog).

There will be a learning curve for me with this new blog; I'll need your patience while I get used to my new home.

Don't forget... there will be blog giveaways in the early days of the blog. So stay tuned!

This article was posted by Jeanne via "Jeanne's Endo Blog" at www.endendoat.blogspot.com.


Four Days To Launch!

My new blog is scheduled to launch on June 1st.

June 1st is the one year anniversary of this blog!

Please stay tuned for more updates.

I have been spreading the word in various places: twitter, Facebook, my YouTube channel, MyBlogLog, etc. I could use all the help I can get spreading the word about my blog's move! So, please consider retweeting my twitter message or sharing my Facebook links. Every little bit helps. I would really appreciate any help I can get spreading the word about this move. Thank you!

If you don't have a gravatar set up, please see this site:


By setting up a gravatar, your picture will appear on my new blog (i.e. when you comment on the new blog/rather than a default image appearing to represent you). I'm still getting used to my new blog but I believe this will cause you to link back to your own site too (much the same as your Google profile links to your blog).

There will be a learning curve for me with this new blog so I'll need your patience as I get acclimated.

Cross your fingers that everything falls into place for June 1st.

Don't forget... there will be blog giveaways in the early days of the blog. So stay tuned!

This article was posted by Jeanne via "Jeanne's Endo Blog" at www.endendoat.blogspot.com.


Five Days To Launch!

If all goes well, my new blog will launch on June 1st. June 1st happens to be the one year anniversary of this blog!

Right now, June 1st is the target date. It is going to be tight but that date is the goal.

So please stay tuned for more information.

If you don't have a gravatar set up, please see this site:


By setting up a gravatar, your picture will appear when you comment on the new blog (rather than a default image appearing to represent you). I'm still getting used to my new blog but I believe this will cause you to link back to your own blog too (much the same as your Google profile links to your blog).

Yes, there will be a learning curve for me with this new blog so I'll need your patience as I get acclimated.

Cross your fingers for June 1st as the launch date. Don't forget... there will be blog giveaways in the early days of the blog. So stay tuned!

This article was posted by Jeanne via "Jeanne's Endo Blog" at www.endendoat.blogspot.com.


Housekeeping For Move

In preparation for the upcoming move to my new blog, I am doing some housekeeping. Therefore, you may notice some older posts getting re-published as I "clean out the cobwebs". Primarily those who will notice this are my subscribers, as you'll receive notifications on re-posted articles. I apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience as we get closer to the new blog. Stay tuned... there will be blog giveaways after the new blog launches!

This article was posted by Jeanne via "Jeanne's Endo Blog" at www.endendoat.blogspot.com.


Fun Only

There will be some minimal talk of children in this post. If you are not in a place now to care to read that, I just wanted to mention it up front.

There will be no talk of illness or pain in this post. As regular readers know, I periodically take a break from all that to talk about art, music, etc. This post is simply for fun. When I started blogging last year on June 1st, the tulips were already gone.

This year, however, I have pictures from my garden to share. My husband and daughter planted them for me. Tulips are my favorite flower. So don't be surprised if tulip pictures pop up in future posts because I took quite a few pictures yesterday when I tiptoed through the tulips.

It was a nice, sunny day so I took the camera out when I got the mail. Guess what was in the mail? Yes, my Jannie Funster CD has landed. Check it out:

Do you like how she got a P.O. Box, like I suggested, for sending out her CDs to what is sure to be oodles of fans? Notice my package came from "La Funstress"? Jannie is too much.

So, after checking out the pretty tulips, I went inside and opened up my package. I found a note from Jannie with some business cards.

Here's a sneak peek at the liner notes. Check it out. Jannie autographed it for me.

I am so excited for Jannie that her CD is now out. She has worked hard on this. Jannie has been a wonderful blogging buddy ever since she found my blog. I'm going to break my "no illness talk" for just a second to say that Jannie has endometriosis and struggled with infertility for many years. She found my blog because I write about endometriosis.

Anyway, Jannie's CD is great! Not only is she a great musician but she is funny as heck. She really is a Funster if there ever was one! I have already warned her to buy some wigs and dark glasses to avert the paparazzi. She really has an amazing voice. Her daughter helped her with the CD-making process. It was a real treat getting that CD in the mail yesterday.

If you'd like to hear samples of her songs, here's a link from her blog with some:
MP3 samples

If you too want to order Jannie's CD, just go here: Jannie Funster's blog.

My daughter had heard the MP3 samples from Jannie's blog before it arrived in the mail and she really liked the songs. So she was very excited to find the envelope from La Funstress in the mailbox. (She translated "La Funstress" to Jannie Funster right away... She knew it was en route).

Anyway, my daughter listens to music every night while she falls asleep. I told Jannie yesterday that her CD got the ultimate compliment. My daughter (who normally will not part with the High School Musical CD that is sure to break one of these days from wear) asked if she could listen to Jannie's CD to get to sleep last night. How cool is that??

Related link:

Jannie Funster CD Release Today

This article was posted by Jeanne via "Jeanne's Endo Blog" at www.endendoat.blogspot.com.


MCS Awareness!

I just discovered that May is awareness month for yet another illness I care deeply about: Multiple Chemical Sensitivity.

For a fantastic source of info on MCS, I always refer readers to Susie Collins' blog, The Canary Report.

For a post specifically about awareness month for MCS, see: MCS Awareness Month, bad air, and chemical exposures.

MCS is a big part of my life. Walking down the soap/detergent aisles is out of the question. Being anywhere near cigarette smoke is not possible. Reacting to people's perfumes and cologne is common. Heaven forbid I need to use a public rest room these days since it's almost a guaranteed exposure to "air fresheners". (They typically contain toxins that cause cancer, contain neurotoxins, and contain endocrine disruptors... so they are not healthy for anyone).

I have a long history of fainting due to exposures that trigger my MCS to kick into overdrive.

I have blogged previously about MCS (just use my search engine to find past MCS posts). Susie's blog mentioned above, though, is my go-to source for MCS information.

Susie is a wealth of information on MCS! I highly recommend checking out her blog to learn more about this serious illness that's affecting more and more people.

MCS awareness is much-needed. Please help me in supporting the MCS awareness activities by following Susie on twitter:

Her twitter address is: @TheCanaryReport
The #MCS hashtags pertain to Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

Please help us spread the word about MCS, a very poorly understood condition that can be debilitating and disabling. I would appreciate as much help as possible with supporting Susie's efforts re: MCS Awareness.

There are so many awareness campaigns happening this month that it's very challenging for me to keep up. I would appreciate any help at all. Supporting the MCS cause on twitter and checking out Susie's outstanding blog would be enormously helpful.

Thank you!

This article was posted by Jeanne via "Jeanne's Endo Blog" at www.endendoat.blogspot.com.


Fibromyalgia Awareness Day And M.E./C.F.S. Awareness Day

I had grand plans for how to do justice to the topic of fibromyalgia for Fibromyalgia Awareness Day. Unfortunately, I’m having a severe fibromyalgia flare and I don’t have the energy to write it. Ironic, I know. The last couple of days have been challenging fibromyalgia-wise due to sudden changes in temperature. Last week it reached 86 degrees Fahrenheit one day. This morning it was 40 degrees Fahrenheit when I got up. That kind of temperature shifting causes my fibromyalgia to flare badly. I have talked with other bloggers in the last few days who have fibro and are experiencing flares like this too.

I recommend following @fightingfatigue on twitter. Her blog is excellent. Check it out: Fighting Fatigue. Sandy has been supportive of the endometriosis cause and has been retweeting our messages on twitter. Let's support her likewise. I wish I could write more but I am totally exhausted today. Every muscle hurts. It feels like every molecule and cell in my body are talking to me... and I don't like what they have to say. So I am not going to be able to write an elaborate blog post today. It is a major effort to be at the computer at all right now.

Today is also M.E./C.F.S. Awareness Day. I wanted to mention it too. I have recently met some wonderful people on twitter who are working for the M.E./C.F.S. cause. They have also been supportive of the endometriosis cause. We have been retweeting each other's messages regarding M.E./C.F.S. and endometriosis.

Please follow @Killandra @perpetualspiral @redtoffee @runefox on twitter regarding M.E./C.F.S. (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are two names for the same condition. There is not strictly one term used worldwide).

@Killandra has a contest going on. Check it out!

Blue Ribbon Campaign for M.E./C.F.S.

I will post something at a later date when my symptoms aren't so active but I wanted to be sure to get this posted today for awareness day. Feel free too to browse through prior posts (more so on fibromyalgia than on M.E./C.F.S. but you should be able to find posts on both).

This article was posted by Jeanne via "Jeanne's Endo Blog" at www.endendoat.blogspot.com.


Jannie Funster CD Release Today

This blog post is long overdue in that it's a lighter post. Those who have read this blog for awhile know that I occasionally post art and music to lighten things up.

Today's post is a special one because my friend Jannie Funster has a CD releasing today!

I first met Jannie when she left a comment on my blog. Jannie, you see, has endometriosis and she went through a prolonged battle with infertility. While her blog's readers may know her for her humor and wit (both of which she has plenty!!), I know that things have not always been so rosy for her. Life as the Funster hasn't always been so fun.

So please join me in supporting Jannie Funster by checking out her new CD at the blog link just listed. There you will find samples of the songs on her new CD.

Here is a sample tweet that I sent out to help promote Jannie's music:

Want new music? Follow @janniefunster whose music CD comes out on May 11th!! Hear song samples on her blog! :) http://bit.ly/JmxXV

Please retweet!

I was blown away by the clarity of her voice. It can't really be compared to any other voice but as we listened to the song samples this weekend, Joni Mitchell popped to mind for me and my husband thought of Celtic singers (i.e. from Riverdance or Celtic Woman).

Poet, singer, songwriter, blogger who makes people laugh... Jannie Funster is one special woman.

On this CD, Jannie shows her Funster side and if you listen to the song samples you'll hear how silly she can be. One song in particular is destined to become a hit in this house. We can already tell from the song snippet. I can't wait for my CD to arrive in the mail. Yes, I have already placed my order.

This article was posted by Jeanne via "Jeanne's Endo Blog" at www.endendoat.blogspot.com.


Mother's Day For Infertile Patients

This infertility post is a tribute of sorts to my friend Alicia. My admiration for her is immense for so many reasons.

The week before last I had the pleasure of meeting up with Alicia for lunch! As some of you are aware, Alicia (aka Yaya) and I are real life friends in addition to being blogging friends. Alicia has struggled with infertility and miscarriages; she and her husband are immersed in the foster-to-adopt process at this time.

As Alicia never leaves home without her camera, she took the picture above of us as we were saying our goodbyes at the restaurant. It was so nice to see her in person. Alicia is the type of person who literally lights up a room.

Moving onto the topic of this post, infertility. We are heading into what may arguably be the most challenging weekend of the year for infertile women. Father's Day will be shortly behind it, of course (and it too can be a very stressful time).

Recently Alicia posted an excellent article on her blog regarding Mother's and Father's Day. She posted information from RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association.

I am going to post that same RESOLVE letter here but would like to first link to the post that brought it to my attention from Alicia's blog: Yaya Stuff.

I would like to print the RESOLVE letter here as well but first I wanted to include a picture of Alicia and her husband, Josh, who have been through such an emotional rollercoaster with infertility and miscarriages.

Sometimes I think it can be too easy to read a book, blog, or magazine about infertility and not really begin to comprehend it without having experienced it firsthand. I think it's important for people to see real faces of real people who struggle with this real condition. Josh and Alicia have been through great adversity. I admire their strength, courage, and determination in navigating this complex and grueling process!

At this point, I'll post the RESOLVE letter that Alicia shared with her readers:

As Alicia put it:

"So while the following letter written by RESOLVE is intended for the clergy, it is actually helpful for people in all realms of life to realize what we endure on Mother's and Father's Day".

Here is RESOLVE's letter---

Dear Member of the Clergy,

As you prepare your Mother's Day and Father's Day religious messages this year, please consider that 1 in 8 couples of childbearing age are struggling with infertility. These particular holidays are two of the most painful days for those struggling to have children.

Although this condition is rarely physically life threatening, it can be devastating to a person's sense of hope. Couples often endure monthly cycles of emotional roller coaster rides, ranging from optimism to despair and depression. Infertility sometimes lasts for years and people often go through this experience in isolation, as their desire for a larger family remains unfulfilled.

Many religious and social events revolve around children, and couples without them may feel uncomfortable or left out of activities altogether. Because the topic of infertility involves reproduction, it is an extremely personal problem that couples face. For this reason, it is often a very difficult topic to discuss, even with a trusted rabbi, priest or pastor.

As you prepare for the upcoming holidays, please remember the couples in your congregation that have infertility. Infertility is the inability to conceive a child after one year of unprotected sexual intercourse. Infertility is also the inability to carry a pregnancy to term, so persons who have had a miscarriage or who have lost a child by stillbirth struggle with this condition too.

We ask that you keep these points in mind, particularly during worship services, and that you remember couples with infertility in your prayers as you honor all the mothers and fathers in your congregation.

If you would like more information about infertility, please visit the RESOLVE website at www.resolve.org.

Thank you, in advance for your consideration in this matter,

Your name

For more information from RESOLVE, check out this link:

RESOLVE's Infertility 101

Finally, I'd like to end by thanking my friend Alicia for... being Alicia.

She is kind, caring, incredibly thoughtful, sweet, smart, funny and I am privileged to call her my friend.

I just had to include this picture of Alicia's new haircut because it looked so cute on her blog that I had to post it here as well.

In true Alicia fashion (and for no particular reason at all), Alicia showed up for our lunch date with something for me for no particular reason. This is just classic Alicia... always so thoughtful! She gave me a "wish token".

I am including two pictures here to close out this post. One is a picture of the front of the package it came in and the other is a picture of the back of the token.

This is quintessential Alicia... sharing messages of hope with others. From her unbelievably popular blog to her social network site (the Mommy Wannabe Club), to all of the people she supports through infertility and miscarriage "offline", to her support of fundraisers for organizations such as Parenthood For Me, Alicia helps countless people. As she and Josh go through the adoption process, she is expanding the number of people she is able to help through her blog.

Readers, if you are infertile and apprehensive about this upcoming weekend... try to seek out support from people you love and trust to get through this challenging time of year.

For other readers who are fortunate enough not to struggle with infertility, please be aware that this weekend will be painful and sad for many. Do what you can to support someone you know through this difficult time.

Finally, I would like to thank my friend Alicia for enlightening so many people. Thank goodness Alicia and I met through our local endometriosis support group. Quite honestly, it's hard to remember "life before Alicia". She's that special!

My thoughts will be with Alicia, Josh, and other infertile couples this weekend.

This article was posted by Jeanne via "Jeanne's Endo Blog" at www.endendoat.blogspot.com.

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