Would you like a chance to win a $40 gift card to Target while helping my dear friend Alicia raise money for her adoption fund????
First, here is some background... I met Alicia through my local endometriosis support group. She is one of the sweetest people I know! She works as a nanny. That means she sees beautiful children all day while she dreams of having her own. Just try for a moment to imagine that!
See Alicia, Josh, and their beloved pets!
Alicia is an endometriosis patient who has had years of infertility. She has had multiple miscarriages as well. She is currently undergoing hormone treatment to try to get pregnant. She and her husband are also pursuing a foster-to-adopt method of adoption.
For months and months, I have wracked my brain trying desperately to figure out a way to help my friend! Offering words of comfort can only go so far. They don't change the fact that these two wonderful people and their pets would love to have some children with whom to share their love!
Alicia's friend Ashley had the brilliant idea to create an adoption fund. Apparently, adoption costs can range from $8,000 to $100,000. (See Alicia's blog for more information).
Finally, I have something I can DO to help my friend who has been through so much!
So, sadly, adoption is very expensive! Alicia and her husband desperately want to be parents and have so much love to give!!! To read more about Alicia's story, click below. (This will also tell you more about the Adoption Adventure Raffle Ticket Giveaway)...
Let's fill this house!!
I never do raffles. So bear with me because this is a special exception for my friend who I have been trying desperately to comfort/help in some way... I finally have a chance to DO something to help her become a mom!!
Alicia's Adoption Adventure Raffle Ticket Giveaway # 1!
Rather than just ask you to link to her site and check it out, I want to take it a step further and post her Adoption Giveaway here too. Whatever will give her raffle more visibility!
I should mention that I have never done a raffle like this before and very likely will not do so again. I am doing this for my personal (in-person, not just online) friend. (Hint hint... I would really appreciate if no one asks me to post their cause because I have no plans to do this for others)!! I am doing this to help a friend. If I ever do a raffle again, it will my something I initiate. So PLEASE do not submit any causes to me. I won't be posting them.
Per the instructions on her site, here is how you enter for the raffle for the $40 gift card to Target (plus some other surprises)...
Alicia's instructions say:
To enter you click below and donate $5. For every $5 you will receive one raffle ticket with your name on it put into the "hat". You will need a paypal account for this. If you don't have a paypal account you can email me (yayaorangenanny@yahoo.com) to find out about mailing check or cash.
For those who missed my recent post about Alicia, here is a reprint of that post. It will help you get to know Alicia a bit. She is helping so many infertile patients and has become quite an advocate!
Here is the reprint of the previous post. I'm reposting her picture in the reprint and this story of her new Mommy Wannabe Club to remind you that we are talking about a real person here who has done so much to help other infertile patients!!
Some of you may know her by her nickname ("Yaya"). I first met Alicia through my local endometriosis (in person) support group. She is a fellow blogger and a strong, inspirational woman who works intently at advocating for patients with a history of infertility and miscarriages/pregnancy loss.
Alicia's passion, drive, determination, caring, humor, and compassion have attracted a flock of readers to her blog. She is helping great numbers of people. It is an honor to call Alicia my friend, to learn from her, to watch her advocacy efforts blossom, and to witness the multitude of ways she is helping others!
She is also becoming a great source of information on adoption and the foster-to-adopt process. Her blog covers all of these issues and much more.
Here is a brief biographical sketch about Alicia from her blog profile:
"Read along in my quest to become a Mommy, one way or another. It's been 6 years and several miscarriages, but I'm not giving up!"
My friend Alicia of the blog Yayastuff has launched a new venture!
Visit Mommy Wannabe Club
She has started a social network called the Mommy Wannabe Club.
Here is her blog post about it:
Wednesday, December 31, 2008 Mommy Wannabe Club
Alicia asked me if I would help her get the word out about her new club. I am honored to assist her efforts in any way I can!
View my page on Mommy Wannabe Club
Perhaps some of you reading this may be interested in joining?
Thank you Alicia for everything you do!!!
This article was posted by Jeanne via "Jeanne's Endo Blog" at www.endendoat.blogspot.com.
Thank you so much. I am so touched by this and have already received one email from one of your readers!! You are amazing!
You are the amazing one! Your tenacity and creativity are boundless...
I am just soooooooooooo happy to FINALLY be able to do SOMETHING to help!!
I'll give her $20 as a straight donation. Where and how would I do that??
Alicia's email address is:
If you send her an email, she will give you the contact information for your generous donation.
You get a raffle ticket for each $5.00. So for $20.00, you will get 4 chances to win a prize! :)
THANK YOU for helping Alicia... who has been through SO much!
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