I am honored that I have received the Kreative Blogger Award after being nominated by Maureen Hayes at Being Chronically Ill Is A Pill.
I am really touched, excited, and grateful that Maureen thought of me for this award. Maureen sent me an email informing me that she had chosen me for this award. It is really an honor that she took time out of her busy schedule to select me for the Kreativ Blogger award. Maureen and I "met" during blogging activities for National Invisible Chronic Illness Week.
Maureen and I share multiple chronic illnesses and we follow each others' blogs. We also email each other offline providing mutual support. I am honored to get Maureen's support and insights!
Her posted comments and emails are always positive and uplifting. In addition to being quite ill, Maureen acts a caregiver for her mother. She is a strong and compassionate woman who works to make the world around her a kinder, better place.
I am honored that she nominated me for this award. In accepting this award, I am to outline six things that make me happy and then pass it on to others to give them some positive energy and recognition for their hard work. Such positive reinforcement strikes me as a great way to recognize the hard work of bloggers who consistently publish high-quality and informative blogs.
Some of the bloggers I have picked for this award are health bloggers. Others are not. I've decided to focus on honoring bloggers who have been supportive, helpful, and insightful... authors who work to put their writing to good use to help others in one way or another:
Here is my "6 things I love" list:
(1) My friends, family, fellow endometriosis patients in my community, and the many online support friends I have "met" online. They provide information, resources, different perspectives, and compassion that lift me up and give me positive energy when I need it most. I am grateful that CureTogether is focusing on endometriosis research (among other conditions).
(2) I find acupuncture extremely helpful. It is life-altering for me. With no disrespect to my numerous specialists, my acupuncturist has helped me more than the rest of them put together. He is amazingly talented!
(3) Music is transforming, uplifting, moving, and inspirational to me. It can lift me out of a bad mood. It can help me relax greatly. It can take me to another world of peace and serenity. I just LOVE music!
(4) I love to eat out... This is not always practical or affordable but I still love it. :)
(5) I love blogging and writing is really therapeutic. It is empowering and uplifting to connect with other chronically ill patients. As I have discussed with many friends over the years, I (like Maureen) dream of becoming a published author someday when I can muster the necessary energy to do so.
(6) At the risk of sounding repetitive, I agree with Maureen about the importance of laughter. I believe laughter really is the best medicine. Humor can be injected into a bad situation and make it easier to bear. I find comedy extremely distracting when I'm in pain and a good belly laugh works wonders.
Here are the people I would like to award. (They are not strictly health bloggers):
Allison from My Journey With Endometriosis
Alex from The In's And Out's Of Endo
Tracee from Empowering Girls: So Sioux Me
Sandy from IC Disease
Endochick from Endometriosis: The Silent Life Sentence
This article was posted by Jeanne via "Jeanne's Endo Blog" at www.endendoat.blogspot.com.
Thanks so much Jeanne!
You're an inspiration. You've become so tireless at blogging you're making me look like a slacker.
Congratulations, not just on the award but on taking the time to list 15 things you like about yourself. I know it was a hard exercise for you, because you focus on others so often, but it is important to be our own cheerleaders sometimes too. I am proud of you!
Thank YOU!
You couldn't look like a slacker if you tried!!! :)
I appreciate your kindness, support, positive comments, etc.
That "15 list" was challenging but I think it was good for me to do.
It is important for all of us to remember to value ourselves and our contributions.
So I hear you. :)
I am proud of you too!!!
Warmest congratulations on a well-deserved award! :)
I especially appreciate this award because the woman who nominated me for it is so thoughtful, kind, caring, etc.
Her blog is wonderful and she is just a very compassionate individual!!
So it's a big compliment coming from her.
Her name is Maureen Hayes and her blog is:
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