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Helen Keller's Inspirational Quote - Foundation For A Better Life's Quote Of The Day

I'm taking a few days off from writing blog posts because, frankly, I am totally exhausted... and because I really need to wade through my email so that people don't start thinking I'm ignoring them. (Those of you reading this who I owe email responses to, please know that I'm not ignoring you). I'm listening to my body and slowing down a bit because I'm tired. So I decided to take a moment to post a great quote that I just found in my inbox while sorting my email.

I would greatly appreciate it if you'd take a peek at previous posts here while I slow down temporarily on writing new posts. There are previous posts on many topics including:

interstitial cystitis, endometriosis, infertility, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic illness/pain, alternative medicine, etc.

Even though it is displayed in my sidebar (as all Foundation for a Better Life quotes of the day are), I decided to highlight this quote here. Chronic illness can be very challenging, frustrating, and draining. It can also cause incredible financial strain and enormous stress. At times, this stress can be overwhelming.

Helen Keller has so many great quotes. I really like this particular one.

This is today's quote from the The Foundation for a Better Life:

“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved.”

—Helen Keller (1880-1968); author, lecturer, activist

Thank you for your patience while I listen to my body and take some time to slow down a bit. I think it is really important to listen to one's body. I have experienced the consequences of not doing so in the past. I'm trying to learn from my mistakes and respect my body's signals. So please take a peek at previous posts.

You may find something that interests you!!

Have a wonderful day!

P.S. If you are looking to do some mail order shopping, please consider ordering from Amazon via my blog. Just click on any Amazon ads on this blog. A pop-up window will appear. On the top right corner of this window, if you click on the Amazon symbol, you will be routed directly to the "regular" Amazon ordering site. In this way, you will be ordering Amazon products at the same price you'd pay by accessing their site directly. (Clicking on the Amazon ads may route you directly to the order screen in some cases. Amazon ads are always not consistent with this process. So you may not have any extra clicks at all in a case like that). By ordering Amazon products through my blog with this extra click or two (if any), you will be supporting my efforts to write a blog to help patients and their loved ones cope with numerous chronic illnesses; you'll also help me chip away at my massive medical debt. I appreciate your support. Thank you!

This article was posted by Jeanne via "Jeanne's Endo Blog" at www.endendoat.blogspot.com.


gertru said...

Very good quote!
Enjoy your time off :)

Jeanne said...


Thank you!

Jeanne :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog Jeanne! I don't have endo that I know of, but WHO KNOWS? Maybe I have all along? Anyways thanks for the comment. :)

Jeanne said...

Angry Infertile,

Thanks for stopping by! I enjoyed checking out your blog yesterday.

Yeah, it's really tough with endo since the only way to get a definitive diagnosis is by a surgery called laparoscopy.

Best of luck to you and I appreciate you visiting my blog...

Jeanne :)

My Endo Journey said...

REST UP! I love the quote! Thanks!

Jeanne said...


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